BGL proudly sponsors MVLS Celebrate Pro Bono 2024, attended by Anthony May, in honor of our shared commitment to eliminating financial barriers to legal services for underrepresented Marylanders. – Technologist
Brown, Goldstein & Levy was a proud sponsor of Celebrate Pro Bono 2024, hosted on Wednesday, Oct. 23 by the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS). The annual event was held at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, where 10 awardees were recognized for their exceptional commitment to pro bono practice and to their communities.
In addition to being a sponsor, BGL was also represented at the event by attorney Anthony May, who serves on the MVLS Board of Directors. BGL is deeply aligned with MVLS’ mission to create a just legal system, free of financial barriers that inhibit underrepresented Marylanders from receiving the legal services they need. We enthusiastically sponsor and attend MVLS events every year, including Celebrate Pro Bono and MVLS’ annual Taste for Pro Bono events.
BGL is committed to improving the lives of residents across Maryland and Washington, D.C. Our attorneys devote hundreds of hours a year to providing high-quality legal representation at no cost. As a firm, we are committed to the pursuit of social justice and equity, maintaining a robust pro bono practice is one way that we are closing the gap between those who can afford a lawyer and those who cannot. Learn more about our pro bono work and community impact here.
Anthony has represented clients in a variety of complex litigation matters including assisting employees with disabilities in obtaining accessible technology and accommodations in the workplace, representing individuals who have been wrongfully convicted, commercial litigation disputes, and fighting workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation. Learn more about Anthony.
MVLS directly helps Marylanders facing legal challenges, while also fighting to change systems that harm people living in or near poverty. MVLS accomplishes this through pro bono representation, community engagement, and legislative and administrative advocacy. MVLS staff attorneys build on that impact by building meaningful community partnerships and identifying specific inequities that are borne out in our clients’ stories and in the legal system at large. Learn more.
Founded in 1982, Brown, Goldstein & Levy is a law firm based in Baltimore, Maryland, with an office in Washington, DC. The firm is nationally recognized in a wide variety of practice areas, including complex civil and commercial litigation, civil rights, health care, family law, and criminal defense. Above all else, Brown, Goldstein & Levy is a client-centered law firm that brings decades of experience and passionate, effective advocacy to your fight for justice.