Can Your U.S. Citizenship Be Revoked? – Forbes Advisor – Technologist

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a person born a citizen of this country cannot lose their nationality unless they voluntarily and intentionally relinquish it.

However, there are certain behaviors that can result in a loss of nationality even if you were born in the United States. That’s because the Court ruled that actions inconsistent with remaining a citizen can be a form of voluntary relinquishment.

Here are some different situations where citizenship status is at risk for natural-born citizens.

Running for Public Office or Working in the Government of a Foreign Country

If you run for public office in another country for a policy-making position, this can be grounds for losing citizenship even if you were born in the United States. Becoming a citizen of another country or declaring allegiance to another country and then accepting a position in that country’s government can also result in the loss of your U.S. nationality.

However, the key is whether your action demonstrates a specific intent to renounce U.S. citizenship. If so, and you are over 18 and have left the United States, you can be considered to have voluntarily given up your status as a U.S. national.

Serving in a Foreign Military

If you are over 18 and you join another country’s military when they are engaged in hostilities against the U.S., or if you become an officer in another country’s military, this can be seen as a voluntary revocation of your citizenship and you can lose your status as a U.S. citizen. This is true even for natural-born citizens who have left the United States.

Applying for Citizenship Elsewhere With the Intent To Renounce U.S. Citizenship

Simply becoming a citizen of another country usually isn’t enough to lose your status as a U.S. national. Rather, you must do so with the intent to sever your ties with the United States, be over 18 and have left the U.S. at the time your citizenship is lost.

Committing an Act of Treason Against the U.S.

If you participate in an effort to overthrow this country’s government or commit other acts of treason such as bearing arms against the U.S., you can lose the right to be a citizen. This is true even if you are still within the country and even if you were born here.

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