Florida Sea Grant Now Accepting Applications for 2024 Aylesworth Scholarship Award – Technologist

Florida Sea Grant is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 Aylesworth Scholarship Award from Florida university students conducting research in the marine sciences. Applications are due to Florida Sea Grant by 11:30 p.m. EST, on June 6, 2024.

The competition is open to any undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled full-time at one of Florida’s institutions of higher education, and pursuing any academic discipline having direct application in ocean science, ranging from biology, engineering and economics to food science, journalism and education. Aylesworth Scholarship recipients study many subjects that impact the fishing, seafood and marine industries.

Established in 1984 through a joint partnership between the Aylesworth Foundation for the Advancement of Marine Science, the Southeastern Fisheries Association and the Florida Sea Grant College Program, Aylesworth scholarships are a career award that support recipients each semester until their education goals are met.

In 2023, three students were selected from two Florida universities. Their research projects ranged from the development of rapid and field-deployable assays, to evaluating the utility of genetic-based tools and monitoring programs for South Atlantic red snapper. 

A complete application packet consists of the student’s resume, personal and family information, a statement of interest, a statement of career goals, a statement of financial need and completed financial information form, a photocopy of their college transcripts and two letters of recommendation. Florida Sea Grant only accepts applications from students enrolled in a Florida academic institution. Those applicants must file their applications through the eSeaGrant online portal at eflseagrant.ifas.ufl.edu.

For more information, contact Florida Sea Grant Student Programs Coordinator Cassandra Sexson at fsg-students@ifas.ufl.edu.

A one-page fact sheet is available at www.flseagrant.org/publication/aylesworth-scholarship.

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